Monday, December 19, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

I am sooo busy... I promise to return soon, but between finishing grad school, job interviews, and the holidays, life is so crazy! Be back soon!

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This is my view from the couch! Not the best picture, but it's what I'm looking at currently! I love this time of the year! The house is beautiful with my real tree and real garland everywhere! Hubby and I are sitting in front of the fire with a Christmas movie on, glass of wine in hand, and homemade pizza! I just love this time f the year. I can stay in at night, its nice and cozy, and I have no guilt for not going out! In the summer I run myself ragged because its light out  late, the weather is nice, and I have so many things to do with all of my friends. However, this time of the year I don't feel guilty at all for staying in! The next few weeks are by far my favorite of the entire year... so please excuse me and look past the silly, giddy 7 year old that I turn into this time of year!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankfulness and Thanksgiving!

So, as I figured, I did not keep up with the Thankfulness updates. For the past week I have had 2 projects and a really big paper that I just turned in 10 minutes ago! I am not going to bother with going back, but I will say that even as busy as I have been the past week, I have so much to be thankful for.

This week is Thanksgiving and that makes me so excited! I get to spend days with my family just enjoying traditions. I LOVE traditions! I'm sure most people do not understand my obsession with it, but thankfully I have a wonderful husband who does! Thursday we will wake up, make breakfast and turn the Macy's parade on. I have watched this since I was a kid! Then the cooking begins! I love this meal so much! When we all sit down to have a nice dinner we turn on the first Christmas music of the year! The same CD we have listened to since we were kids! Then we all eat, clean up, and chill out the rest of the night. Usually Christmas movies are started that night! Then Friday, we go get my parents Christmas tree and come home and decorate it. My dad, brother, and husband also do all of the lights outside! Saturday is the annual UGA-GA Tech game that Pete and I will go to.  Sunday is Christmas Tree decorating at our house!

I know it sounds crazy to have the same set traditions, but that is just how I work. My mom has always said things were never how she wanted them at holidays in her home growing up and she wanted her children to have what she didn't. Well she did a great job at that. I am truly thankful for such wonderful and fond ways to remember the holidays! I'm so excited to kick of the holiday season this week, because it is my favorite time of the year!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Crock Pot Stuffing

My mom's recipe for making stuffing is my favorite! I can't eat any other stuffing now because it has ruined me! Sorry, but its just that good!

1 lb bread cubes (few days old or dry out in oven)
1 cup of sliced mushrooms
1 cup of butter
1 cup of chopped onions
1 cup of chopped celery
1 tsp. each: poultry seasonings, salt, sugar
1/4 tsp. each: sage and thyme
2 eggs beaten
2 cups of milk
2 cups of chicken broth

Saute mushrooms, onions, celery and butter together. Then combine all ingredients in a crockpot and stir.  Cook on low for 2.5 to 3 hours. Stir frequently to avoid burning.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thankfulness Updates

8th- The girls in my small group. It is so wonderful to have great fellowship and friendship with these wonderful women.
9th- New experiences- tonight we went to a dinner with my husbands boss and coworkers to a Korean restaurant. It was neat to look into other cultures with someone from Korea.
10th- My health... after battling a stomach bug, you never realize how wonderful it is to feel healthy!
11th- Dinner with friends and seeing their new home! It is wonderful to have friends living so close and getting to spend more time with them! I love seeing them enjoying their new surroundings! It is so exciting!
12th- The ability to run! Today I ran my first 5K race! I have never been a runner so this was very exciting to me! We also got to experience it with another couple that we always enjoy spending time with! They are my running idols!! Pizza and beers after was my favorite part though!
13th- Seeing my best friend and her two daughters for an hour! It was a perfect break in my paper writing today! They always put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I voted today and that is something that I am thankful for! In many countries people are not allowed to vote and in many women are not allowed to vote. I am thankful for the option to be able to vote and make decisions about where my hard earned money goes. I hate when people complain about laws, taxes, leadership etc. and they never even voted on it! I read an article today that said on a non-governor or presidential election the turnout is only around 19% in my state. For a big election for president or governor its around 50%. That is astounding to me! In this day and age when it is so easy to vote on election day, do an absentee vote, or even vote early there is no excuse! So today I am thankful that I made an educated and well thought out vote!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thankfulness Part 2

3rd- I'm thankful for my wonderful husband! This whole grad school thing has made me realize what a wonderful man he is and I love every second of our life together! He really is amazing!
4th- The ability to go to grad school. Making a career change is not always an option in this economy.
5th- My family. They are always there for me and I'm so thankful to have them in my life. The wonderful thing about being married is that it also has double how many people I consider my family! I'm so thankful for that!
6th- My best friend A. She and I have known each other for many years, but haven't been close until recently. We always have a blast together and today she did our Christmas photos. They are wonderful. I always knew she was a great photographer, but didn't realize the extent until I experienced it first hand!
7th- A clean house! One of my favorite things in the world!